Monday, August 6, 2012

Alley29 Bazaar! :)

July 28th, 2012
Alley29 Bazaar Day One

I didn't plan for going to there. I just knew about the news that there will be Alley29 Bazaar in Plaza Indonesia. I contact my friend to join me for going to that bazaar. And she accepted to join. We both went there with public transportation at 1PM.

After arrived there at 3PM, we took a picture at @iwearUP tree by @dianarikasari. What a cute tree!
We both bought nice top from one booth named Periwinkle Etude. We visited all booths which have been there. Suddenly, my friend was called by someone. She was asked for answering question. And she did it! She got voucher about 700k rupiahs from PM Beauty School. Congratulation dear! :)
Before went out from the bazaar, we tried the lucky draw by Alley29. Hope we're the lucky one. We went out from the bazaar about 6PM.

Then we decided to had a dinner in Grand Indonesia. We had dinner in Mie Tarik Laiker. After that we visited some shops for buying our need. We went out from GI about 9PM. It's time for going back home!
After arrived at home, I got message from Alley29 Bazaar Committee. They said: "Congratulation! You're the winner of lucky draw Alley29 Bazaar. You got one iPod Shuffle for free! Back here tomorrow at 2PM. Thankyou."

Ah, Thank You Lord. What a lucky day ever! I'm blessed :')

July 29th, 2012
Alley29 Bazaar Day Two

I came back to the bazaar for taking the iPod Shuffle voucher from EMAX. After got the voucher, I visited some booths but got nothing. I decided to go back home.

Thank You Lord. Thank you Alley29. Thank you EMAX.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Melayani :)

Jangan pernah anda berpikir tidak pernah melayani dan tidak pantas melayani.
Melayani itu bukan hanya di persekutuan, melayani bisa dimana saja. Semua tempat bisa menjadi ladang yang siap untuk dilayani.

Di rumah anda bisa menjadi anak yang patuh pada orang tua, teladan untuk adik, penyemangat untuk kakak atau abang.

Di sekolah/kampus anda bisa belajar yang giat dengan proses yang benar. Memberikan dan menghasilkan yang terbaik untuk studi dan masa depan.

Di kantor anda bisa menjadi teladan untuk rekan anda bahkan bos anda. Dengan datang ke kantor lebih awal, menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan sukacita.

Apapun bisa anda lakukan untuk menyenangkan hati Tuhan. Tuhan gak pernah lihat kemampuan kita. Tuhan melihat sikap hati kita.

Dan satu hal yang perlu diingat. Bukan Tuhan yg membutuhkan kita. Tapi kita yang butuh Tuhan. Karena apapun bisa Tuhan lakukan tanpa kita.

Tuhan hanya rindu kita berkomunikasi dan membangun hubungan intim denganNya.
Mulai saat ini bagi anda yg berpikir belum pernah melayani atau tidak pantas melayani, stop semua pikiran itu.

Selama anda hidup pasti anda pernah melayani. Tapi anda tidak pernah menyadarinya. Bahkan membuat orang lain tersenyum pun sebuah pelayanan.

Semua orang pantas untuk melayani. Kita berharga di mata Tuhan karena Tuhan lah yang menciptakan kita dan Tuhan tak pernah salah ketika menciptakan kita.

Saya, anda, kita ISTIMEWA bagi TUHAN. Untuk itu jangan pernah mengharapkan penghargaan dari manusia. Penghargaan dari Tuhan lah yang harus menjadi mindset kita.
Semangat semuanya! Biarlah hidup kita menyenangkan hatiNya. Tuhan beserta kita :D

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Home Means Delicious Foods and Drinks :)

Setelah 2 bulan lebih gak pulang ke rumah, datang juga waktunya untuk pulang. 25 Juli 2012, disambut cuaca Jakarta yang sedikit berawan tapi tetap hot.

Sampainya di rumah langsung disambut makanan dan minuman yang menurut saya sebagai anak kos di perantauan sudah sangat istimewa. Begitu juga dengan hari-hari selanjutnya sampai hari ini.
Terimakasih Tuhan untuk berkat makanan dan minuman yang enak dan sehat. Akhirnya ada juga saat untuk memperbaiki gizi :))

Tinggal tunggu timbang berat badan sampai Semarang aja.

Intinya nikmati dan syukuri aja apa yang sudah Tuhan sediakan. Ini berkat! :))

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Terimakasih Tuhan, Terimakasih Beswan Djarum

23 Juli 2012

Terimakasih Tuhan untuk anugrah dan kesempatan yang Tuhan berikan kepadaku untuk lolos tahap seleksi berkas dan akhirnya bisa maju ke seleksi selanjutnya, yaitu psikotest. Banyak hal yang aku dapatkan dalam tahap psikotest.

Aku belajar mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik. Bertemu dengan teman-teman UNDIP dari Fakultas lain. Berjuang membawa nama baik Fakultas Hukum. Dan masih banyak hal lainnya yang tidak bisa aku sebutkan satu per satu.

Terimakasih juga aku ucapkan kepada Djarum Foundation untuk kesempatan yang diberikan untuk aku mengikuti psikotest. Meskipun pada akhirnya gagal mengikuti tahap selanjutnya, aku harus tetap bersyukur.

Poin terpenting adalah: Mau diproses bersama Tuhan dan tidak membuang kesempatan emas.

Dan hari ini aku mendapat pernyataan yang sangat menguatkan dari papa.

Aku: Pa, aku gak lolos ke tahap selanjutnya.
Papa: Itu bukan masalah besar nakku. Yang terpenting adalah kamu sudah merasakan pengalaman itu dan kamu tidak membuang kesempatan dengan cuma-cuma. Tetap percaya Tuhan sudah menentukan apa yang menjadi bagianmu. Masih banyak kesempatan lain kan nakku.

Terimakasih Tuhan untuk kata-kata berkat yang Tuhan mau sampaikan kepadaku melalui papa.
Akhirnya selesai juga segala urusan di Semarang. Dan besok atau lusa sudah bisa pulang. Jakarta aku padamu :))

Tuhan memberkati :))
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Graduation!

Happy graduation kakak dan abang @pmk_fhundip:
1. Kak Frishela
2. Kak Yulia
3. Kak Litani
4. Bang Tri
5. Bang Iman
6. Bang Handy
7. Bang Bernard

I'm sooooooo happy for y'all :)

Blessed to be blessing ya kakak dan bang. I'm proud to have y'all as my sis and bro! God always be with y'all, now and forever :))

With love,
Eve :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Terimakasih Tuhan :)

Bersyukur untuk setiap hal yang boleh terjadi dalam hidupku. Terimakasih Tuhan untuk anugrah dan kesempatan yang Engkau berikan kepadaku untuk melayaniMu lebih lagi.

Aku tidak mampu, tapi aku mau Tuhan.
Aku yakin Engkau akan senantiasa menjaga langkahku dan memampukanku. Aku rindu kebijaksanaan dan hikmat yang datang dari padaMu ya Tuhan.

Dahsyat Engkau Tuhan. Terimakasih karena Tuhan senantiasa menyatakan kuasa. Ketika aku lemah maka aku kuat dalamMu ya Tuhan.

Aku spesial, aku berharga dimataMu karena aku adalah buatan tanganMu dan kejadianku adalah nyata dan ajaib. Tak pernah sekalipun Tuhan salah dalam menciptakanku. Berikanku hati yang rindu untuk selalu datang padaMu ya Tuhan.

Aku mencintaiMu, Yesus :)
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Illness made unproductive day! :(

Today I woke up with a warm body temperature. I got a fever, headache, and laryngitis. Today's activities isn't look like usual. All my precious time are wasted. Got up in the morning at 7AM, of which normally at 5AM. And took a nap for 5 hours. I skipped my responsibility to sell at campus and present at several meetings

This body was crushed. Yeah, but I should be grateful cause God still gives me breath. May my condition will get better tomorrow. Happy Monday!

God bless.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Five Loaves and Two Fishes :-)

A little boy of thirteen was on his way to school
He heard a crowd of people laughing and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom, even the kids could understand

The hours passed so quickly, the day turned to night
Everyone was hungry but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox at the little that he had
He wasn't sure what good it'd do, there were thousands to be fed

But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
The kindness in His smile
And the boy cried out
With the trust of a child
he said:

"Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all to feed them all"

I often think about that boy when I'm feeling small
And I worry that the work I do means nothing at all

But every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands
And every door that slams in my face, I will offer up in prayer

So I'll give you every breath that I have
Oh Lord, you can work miracles
All that you need is my "Amen"

So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small

I trust in you
I trust in you

So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
No gift is too small

Sunday, May 20, 2012

List of Dreams! ♥

There are many things that would be achieved this year. Although it has been five months of this year, it's never too late to dream. Things that I want to accomplish in this year are:

1. Serve God more. (Blessed to be blessing).

2. Meet up again with family in North Sumatera (Although on February I've met them for my dad's wedding day, I need to meet up all my families again, yeah a complete family. I miss grandpa, aunts, uncles, and all my cousins so badly). I hope we can meet again, FAMS :')

3. Get a good score in academic, and certainly with a good process too. (As we know that maintaining was harder than getting).

4. South Korea for real! Saving & Praying :'D

5. More able to play guitar and keyboard. Practice harder!

6. One of scholarships that I asked, accepted! Amen :'D

Six dreams above has represented all my dreams. The important things are God's name be glorified and all my family are happy and proud to have me as part of their lives ♥

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Masalah: Beban atau Berkat?

Dalam kehidupan ini pasti setiap orang dihadapkan pada masalah. Tidak mungkin orang hidup tanpa masalah.

Setiap orang punya pandangan masing-masing terhadap masalah yang sedang dialami. Ada orang yang berpikir bahwa masalah itu beban dan ada orang yang berpikir bahwa masalah itu adalah berkat. Beban dan berkat, mana yang merupakan pandanganmu?

Ada beberapa hal yang mau saya bagikan ke teman-teman tentang bagaimana seharusnya pola pikir dan tindakan kita saat berhadapan dengan sebuah masalah. Nah ini dia yang harus kita pegang saat dihadapkan pada sebuah masalah:

1. Andalkan Tuhan dalam setiap persoalan yang sedang kita hadapi. Tapi bukan berarti ketika kita tidak mempunyai masalah, kita tidak mengandalkan Tuhan. Jangan pernah mengandalkan kekuatan kita sendiri. (Yeremia 17:5 & Yeremia 17:7)

2. Percaya bahwa pertolongan Tuhan tidak akan pernah terlambat. Ingat teman-teman Tuhan punya waktu yang tepat untuk setiap pemecahan persoalan hidup kita. Segala sesuatu akan indah pada waktunya. (Pengkhotbah 3:11)

3. Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan kita dicobai melampaui kekuatan kita. Karena setiap masalah dari Tuhan datang untuk membentuk karakter & iman kita menjadi lebih baik lagi. (1 Korintus 10:13)

Ketika kita bisa melakukan ketiga hal di atas, kita akan senantiasa mengucap syukur untuk setiap masalah yang datang. Karena kita berpikir bahwa masalah itu ada untuk membuat kita menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.

Teman-teman mari kita andalkan Tuhan dalam setiap kehidupan kita. Ingat teman-teman rancangan Tuhan bukanlah rancangan yang jahat, tapi rancangan Tuhan adalah rancangan yang baik dan penuh berkat.

Selamat hari Minggu.

GBU :))

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear My Family, PMK FH UNDIP :')

When I can’t find a place to stand. When I am lost inside a storm. They unchangingly gave me love and courage. To them, I send my thanks.

There were times when I felt alone. Many of my past days were filled with crying. How painful must it have been for you. How hard must it have been for you.

Are you dreaming the same dream as I am? Are you really looking at the same place as I am? Only that can heal the pain from the bruises of the world. If only we take care of each other.

If there are people who are in despair in front of us. We need to be great strength to help them get up again. Because they will need the hand of a family.

Now I finally realize till my life ends, till the world ends, we will be together forever. Just as small hearts together become great strength.

We believe that we're one. Let us create happiness together till the day we become the light to this dried up world. I♥U, :''')

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Syukuran Wisuda PMK FH UNDIP


Happy graduation kakak dan abang @pmk_fhundip:
1. Kak Itin
2. Kak Icy
3. Kak Stefina
4. Kak Tunjung
5. Kak Gloria
6. Bang Dechry
7. Bang Rudy
8. Bang Brian
9. Bang Mario
10. Bang Monang
11. Kak Monic
12. Bang Untung
13. Kak Nova
14. Bang Saut
15. Bang Andi Saut
16. Kak Donda
And others, that I could not mention one by one.

I'm sooooooo happy for y'all :))
Thanks for last night. Las night was fun, cool, touched, and blessed.

Blessed to be blessing ya kakak dan bang. I'm proud to have y'all as my sis and bro! God always be with y'all, now and forever :))


Friday, April 27, 2012

ELF are so happy! :D

Welcome to Jakarta Super Junior oppar ^^
Although you all just come with 9 personal, Super Junior will always be 13 + 2. Forever.
Thank you for making Indonesian ELF's dream comes true.
Enjoy Jakarta and have a nice day Super Junior oppar! God bless you all :))

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Revival: Unity for The Nation!

Previously I wanted to give spirit to my friends, Board of PMK FH UNDIP 2011/2012 for the work program in the next semester. Remember that we have plenty of tasks for next semester, one of which is "Revival". So, let's prepare our heart, soul, and mind to do this project for the glory of the God's name. Let's have faith that in God nothing is impossible.

Revival: Unity for the Nation. Will be held in Semarang. 5000 College Students and Students will stand and unite for the Nation, for Indonesia. In the middle of April. In Jesus Name, everything's possible! Amen O:)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hi girls! Are you missing this? Do you remember this? :)

This photo is taken in Christmas Celebration 2009 by KBSK SMAN 3 Tangerang. Our last togetherness at Christmas.We sang "Jesus Born on This Day by Mariah Carey" here. I miss you girls, @rizkyhutapea @audreyagatha @debychristabel :")

When did it get like this again?

Are you missing this? Do you remember this?

Say Happy New Year 2012 from Bandung! :)

Just had time for blogging in this early 2012.

Btw, I had a great quality time in New Year Eve 2011 with my Big Family in Bandung. Yeah Tarigan's Big Family. We had some events in New Year Eve 2011. My aunt made some foods for dinner, me and some of my cousins made Ice of fruit. We also made "Sate" and Burn's Corn.

After made these all, we had another quality time. Yup, Closing Year 2011 and Welcoming Year 2012 Service at home with Big Family. Honestly, we didn't have time to buy some gifts for exchanging with others. It's not a problem btw!

After that, we made our new resolutions for 2012. We are ready for 2012! Let's reach them all in 366 days ahead! :)

Thank You Lord for the quality time that You've given to my family. I love you Tarigan's Big Family :)

Happy New Year 2012 everyone! :)

Eve :)